Thursday, November 10, 2011

Profile of a Warrior

A warrior is fierce, heaven-bent on protecting the honor of his King.
A warrior has her mind set on her King, who has sent her to gain victory over the enemy.
A warrior knows when to rest, so that he can return to battle refreshed and renewed.
A warrior loves deeply, knowing that she may die that day, in the heat of the fighting.
A warrior doesn’t live his life for himself, and is willing to die for the cause.
A warrior lives simply, not dragging around lots of things everywhere she goes.
A warrior is well-protected, and would never go out to battle without his armor.
A warrior is loyal, and will sacrifice her life for her friend.
A warrior stays with his army, and doesn’t isolate from them.
A warrior is honest when she is tired or wounded and asks for reinforcements.
A warrior keeps his eyes on hope, and goes out confident of the destruction of his enemies.
A warrior doesn’t give up when things seem impossible, but she presses in harder and expects breakthrough.
A warrior keeps perspective, and he doesn’t measure the final outcome by small battles lost.
A warrior fights as much for her own heart and life as for the one next to her, knowing that she is as valuable as her friend.
A warrior needs no honor or accolades to know he has done well; he values most the words of his King.
A warrior listens to her leaders, and respects their authority.
A warrior makes no compromises to let the enemy have passage, and he fights offensively to drive them back.
A warrior knows that without the whole, she has little effectiveness, but that, joined together, there is great power.
A warrior knows who he is, his strengths and weaknesses, and doesn’t try to pretend they don’t exist, but works with them and others to be the most effective.
A warrior’s life is the battle.

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