Monday, October 17, 2011

New season; new things!

It has been way too long since I've sat down to write...and I don't just mean "de blog". I used to write all the time, just for the heck of it. Now, it's rare for me to make time to write, and often I put it off. Even this--this is a guilt post, just out of reaction of the horror of the amount of time since my last one. But I'm hoping that because I'm forcing myself to write, even in a small way, that my writing coals will be re-sparked and ignited. Don't get me wrong, I still love to write; I'm just very out of practice. 
So...this becomes a way to encourage the writer in me again, and keep y'all updated. to what's new, I joined a small Christian dance company, which is inspiring me to dance more during the week and also a great place to connect with people as well. I am taking four classes at a community college, and enjoying that. I am in the process of finding a job as well. Oh, and in less than a week, I turn 21. How crazy is that?? Okay, maybe I'm the only one who thinks that's crazy. But it's exciting. I feel older already. :P

~The Inside-Out Beauty~

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