Friday, February 19, 2010

A New Stage

I can't believe it's already mid-February, and a new part of my SOE (School of Evangelism) is starting! We had a really good week of talking about offenses and forgiveness, and I feel that there's a wall between me and God that's coming down in a big way. So that's been great.
On the other hand, I've been more sore this week and the last than I have in a very long time, so if you could be praying for that, that would be awesome.
Next week is Missions Prep week, which means that we practice all the stuff that we're going to be doing in Haiti, and also when we start meeting as a whole team and praying and worshipping :)
So I'm praying that I have energy and motivation and that I'm especially alert to God and ready to do battle, because the Enemy of our souls will be trying to bring the house down around us. Praise God that He has already conquered and that all we have to do is stand in that victory. That's such great news :)
However, I am still battling a lot of lies and wrong thinking that I have carried around for years, and it's so easy to just live in them and not fight, not realize what I am doing to myself and to the people around me. I want to grit my teeth and wade into the mess so that I can come out better on the other side, by the grace of God. I am full of expectation and expectancy that God is going to be glorified in this area of my life! :)


  1. Dearest Camila,

    You will make it through the "mess" dearheart Goddaughter. We know some of each other's needs/messes and I know Camila that Abba has never left me alone or rejected me, nor you. Know forgiveness, always he calls us his children, open armed, saying "I love you, come back, be healed, see yourself as I do my child."

    Take time to be apart - pray and find him

    Blog now and then from Haiti if you can find time. Your dad writes that you have been sick...Father heal your the right time in the right way.

    I'll be praying for you.

    Uncle Bill

  2. woo! good to hear from you. :)
    where are you these days?
    very cool blog header. ^^
