Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I's been ages

It's shameful...I haven't blogged since March 12th. I mean to remedy that right now, no fear.
To the people who actually read this, there is way too much in my heart and mind right now to fit in a blog post. but...I'll give it a shot. I owe you all some sort of news ;)

I am semi-overwhelmed by the myriad of emotions right now, but the thing that stands out above all the feelings is that I am not the same person that I was a year ago. That in itself is such an incredible encouragement. So even thought there's people I knew for ten months that I may never see again on this side of Heaven, my roots are in Jesus. I just have this feeling that there's so much more to come. God has great plans for me. I've been dreaming with him.

One of the things that came out of Haiti was my reawakening passion for both Teaching and Worship. Interesting combination, I know. So I'm looking at the two programs that correspond with these. There's a nine-month school with Youth With a Mission called Teachers for the Nations that I'm praying about, maybe as early as this August.

Oy, how do I sum up any of what I've experienced? I'm going to have to do this in sections.

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