Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Yesterday's attack

Hey everyone,
before you get too freaked out, I am talking about a spiritual attack. It's still serious, but it's not like a guy came and mauled me or something. Just so you know...
So yesterday, I was pretty happy and content, and then suddenly I felt overwhelmed by this WAVE of depression. I've struggled with depression before, but this was something a lot bigger than just me. I was discouraged and stressed out and consumed with self-hatred, and it took a few people with truth to help dig me out of my despair, but praise the Lord.
I will ask all of you praying folk to intercede for me, because I am still struggling with insecurity and doubt, but I am doing much better than yesterday. As one of my songs says, "I'm breathing the air of another day, choosing to go another way. And as for the options I am to explore, there's so many more. I'm never going to stop, as long as I'm alive."

So...what else is going on? Well, I am going to have my first official recital in November, for singing of course. I'm excited and nervous at the same time, but mostly excited!
I am in an amazing Creative Writing class, which is helping me grow and even letting me help others grow. I have an 8-15 page story that's due this Thursday, so needless to say I am working my tail off to get that done, and hopefully still pretty good quality in spite of being short term. :)
hmmm...I don't know if I have a ton more to say, but I'll keep you posted. Get it? Posted?
Never mind.

Never Forget (Him),
Camila Joy

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