Monday, May 14, 2007

Just Some Semi-scattered Thoughts

Hi...not sure how to address you.
Friends? but some of you are family.
and some of you are strangers.
So...humanity in general. there. I suppose that works for now.

Dear Humanity in General,
I am doing fine, in the simplest sense of the word. My room is a mess, I'm behind on schoolwork, and am being an American teenager. Suffice it to say that on the outside, I look a lot like anyone else.
But my life--my experiences--have definitely changed me.
As for updates on the things that I have posted, that school was good and the people there were friendly. However, a year in internet school has made it hard for me. It's much easier to type words to someone on the other side of a computer than actually talk to the person standing right in front of me. It's hard. But hopefully...I'll learn how to be myself in the truest sense, and come out of this year more confident and beautiful inside and out.

I write a lot of poems and songs. I would post them on here but I don't trust everyone on the internet, and for good reason. :)

Never Forget,


  1. Hey there!
    Good luck on your adventures, I have faith in you. Hopefully life gets more than fine, but absolutely wonderful!

  2. Keep trusting Jesus! He will teach you!

  3. Hey Camila!
    I'd love to read those poems/songs if you want to email them to me :)
    but anyway, I wanted to say that I'm still praying for you, and with God's help I know that you /can/ "re-learn" how to be yourself verbally! Lean on God, He's always there for you, wrapping His arms around you in a tight hug :)
    Love you, girl!

  4. aw man, i wanna see those poems! :D. dont ever hesitate to be yourself, but it is a journey, go on it its a fun one, iv discovered myself in many different ways and im still learning. the journey i have been on has been amazing and its not nearly finished.

  5. by the way my blog is:
    and im about to start a new blog:
    but its not ready yet so theres nothing there

  6. Hey Camila,
    Could you send me some of those poems and songs you were talking about? Thanks ;) Keep at it and never quit trusting Jesus all the way!

  7. To Julie:
    thanks soo much for the encouragement!! :D

    To hoopz:'s harder than it sounds, but I'll keep trying.

    To Ky:
    Thanks for praying! I'll send you some poems and songs :)

  8. To Michael:
    I'll send you some poems :)

    To Logan:
    thanks! I'll do that!
