Friday, May 4, 2007

One Day at a Time

Hey Everyone,
I know that a lot of people won't be reading this at first. But it's a way for me to get some of my feelings and thoughts out in a concrete form.
I titled this the way I did because I have a way of worrying about tomorrow. Even though God tells us not to worry at all, I constantly find myself worrying--especially about school.
Let this be a reminder to all of us to take hold of the moment, of the day. Let us live as if this is our only day. Every time I wake up, I tend to think that I want to go back to sleep. I can't enjoy the day with that perspective!! I am going to let myself soak in moments.
It doesn't have to be big things. A hug from a loved one, saying "i love you" and meaning it, working hard at school because we're so blessed to have it, or even just stopping and breathing the air. God is good, and signs of his beauty and love are all around us. I feel like I was blind to everything. Sunshine isn't just for staying healthy, guys. It's for us to BASK in. Enjoy drinking and playing with water; it's very unique. :)
Love life, love God, and love people with everything you have.

Never forget,


  1. Welcome aboard the blogger world!

  2. its funny life isnt it? and its wonderful the things that are good for us (like sunshine) are good in more than just a physical way but in an emotional and spiritual way. that is evidence that man is not just a physical machine but also a spirit and soul, you cant separate those from yourself.f

  3. ha-hey camila, don't let life get you down! take hold of as many moments as you need... especially those quality ones you get to spend with your Maker!
