Friday, January 16, 2009

DTS: first full day!! :D

Hey everyone,
so I got into Boston at about 1:45 yesterday, and the rest of the day was sort of a whirlwind. I met my house leader, Amanda, and unpacked my stuff, and then got driven over to the base to meet everyone...we had dinner and then heard a lot of people's testimonies :)
We actually got back to the house where we were staying pretty late...but it was alright. I didn't sleep wonderfully last night, but I think it'll be better tonight. I actually have to go upstairs in about 5 minutes, but it was a day of mostly learning the guidelines and a basic schedule. I am so stoked about being steeped in God for seven months. I will be a well-brewed pot of godliness by the time he's through with moi :)

signing off as God's arts ambassador,

1 comment:

  1. Sweet!! Glad to hear you're there and settled. :]
    God has wonderful things in store for you I'm sure.
