Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Milestone of a Week

Hey everyone,
so it's been one full week today that I've been here in Boston with CAWDTS (Creative Arts in Worship Discipleship Training School). It feels much longer. Even after only a little time with the other seventeen students, we're already getting so close. We're going to be an amazing team for God. Also, the speaker this week, Jill Bills, has been talking about hearing God's voice, and I have had such an amazing and transforming dialogue with Him! God is so good.
As for prayers, please pray that I will be willing to live my life with Him, day by day, listening to Him, doing His will, being his child. I am asking especially for grace for myself and for others, and for the ability to slow down and think about what I'm saying and doing. I am praying to learn how to just relax and not have to be the center of attention. That's a tough one for me.
God has done so much in just this one week! Think what He'll do in seven months!! :)

His girl,

1 comment:

  1. That's so great!

    I can't wait to hear more! :)
