Saturday, January 9, 2010

First Friday

I can't believe it's already Friday of the first week of SOE. I already know it's going to go so fast. I love coming back to see friends but this program is so much more than that. It's deeper, somehow going to be vital to the rest of my life. It's definitely more than a feeling, but I can't put my finger on it. But even in the last week, God has been so close and personal to me. I can honestly say that I have invited Him more fully into my life, to be present and active in what I choose and who I talk to, etc.
Oh, and it was 19 degrees F last time I checked.
crazy, huh?


  1. haha... so... I feel slow!

    I thought you would have replied to my blog... so this whole time I waited to see a comment from you there. My blog link is:

    But, I just wondered if you commented under my comment & you did!

    Catch up sounds great!

    C. Long

  2. haha cool. no worries. i didn't know you had a

  3. Ha! Why thank you dear.
    I think the world is going crazy or something. I was in Georgia for a bit last week & it was real cold there... more than it usually is during January!

    C. Long
