Friday, January 15, 2010

There's a TIme for Everything

My mind is so full that it's hard to even pull out solitary words. It's a mush of thoughts and ideas and concepts and new understandings. However, because I am a verbal processor, I will try to make sense of it all.
One of the things God has been showing me in different ways is the beauty and importance of balance in my life. He's been telling me that there's a time for everything I need to do in a day, and he doesn't put things in order to take the fun out of life, but to make it more meaningful. I'm still learning this in a sort of trial-and-error way.
Another thought I've been pondering is where my treasure really is, where my heart goes to be filled, what I value most. I want the answer to be "God" every time, but it isn't. There are all sorts of things that I place a high value on, activities and passions that vie for my attention. Writing, singing, socializing, and it goes on. I want to learn what it really means to love God, not just to be loved by Him.
So that's all for today, because I am fairly exhausted. Oh, and please pray against headaches. I'm so sick of them. Goodnight.

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